Level 2 Chimney Inspection for home buyers

You need Chimney Cap Replace or repair?

Protect your home from hazards by replacing or repairing your chimney cap in New Jersey

What is Chimney Cap?

Chimney caps, also called rain covers, are probably the most inexpensive preventive measure that a homeowner can employ to prevent water penetration and damage to the chimney. Chimney caps have long been recognized as an important chimney safety and damage prevention component. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) specifies that any chimney lining system that is to be listed to their test standard must include a chimney cap.

Level 2 Chimney Inspection.Camera Inspection.Inspected by  1 Hour Chimney

Why Chimney Cap?

In new jersey Typically, chimney flashings are more complex than other types of roof flashings and are a common source of roof leaks. As a rule, chimneys are either masonry or metal. Some chimneys are clad in wood, stucco or aluminum siding. Round metal chimneys will be flashed much like pipes. Let’s focus on masonry chimneys since they are the most challenging and one of the most common.
Level 2 Chimney Inspection.Camera Inspection.Inspected by  1 Hour Chimney

How a bad chimney cap, can be dangerous for your home.

Chimneys have one or more large openings (flues) at the top that can collect rainwater and funnel it directly to the chimney interior. A commonly-sized flue has the potential to allow large amounts of rain or snow into the chimney during just one winter when freeze/thaw cycles are common.
Level 2 Chimney Inspection.Camera Inspection.Inspected by  1 Hour Chimney
You need Waterproof your chimney? in New Jersey?


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